ARTWORKS: Sculptures
1323 results found
Gli addii / The Farewells+Details
Una storia / A Story+Details
Una storia / A Story+Details
Gli sposi / The Spouses+Details
Bozzetto per la scenografia del “Le chant du Rossignol” / Sketch for the scenography of “The Song of the Nightingale”+Details
Bozzetto per i costumi per “Le Chant du Rossignol” / Sketch for the Costumes of “The Song of the Nightingale”+Details
Incertezza / Uncertainty+Details
Balletto / Ballet+Details
Lungo la roggia / Along the Watercourse+Details
Il peschereccio / Fishing Boat+Details
Concerto per cinque arpe e un tamburo / Concert for Five Harps and a Drum+Details
Una esperide / An Hesperides+Details
L’inverno / The Winter+Details
Scherzi di primavera / Spring Jokes+Details
Madame X+Details
Incertezza / Uncertainty+Details
Scherzo di primavera / Spring Joke+Details
Scherzi di primavera / Spring Jokes+Details
Tempo felice / Happy Time+Details
Contrappunto XIV / Counterpoint XIV+Details
La bisarca dei prostituti / The Transporter of Prostitutes+Details
Il passo della zingara / The Step of the Gypsy+Details
Foglia secca / Dry Leaf+Details
La camicia di Archimede / Archimedes’ Shirt+Details
Contrappunto XV / Counterpoint XV+Details
Folies (Casinò de Paris) / Folies (Casino of Paris)+Details
Il torello / The Little Bull+Details
Leone / Lion+Details
Contrappunto XV / Counterpoint XV+Details
Figura seduta / Seated Figure+Details
Gli specchi solari / The solar Mirrors+Details
Centauro / Centaur+Details
Il sole sulle Alpi / The Sun over the Alps+Details
Guardano dal ponte / They Look from the Bridge+Details
Contrappunto XIV / Counterpoint XIV+Details
Figura seduta / Seated Figure+Details
Paesaggio romano / Roman Landscape+Details
L’ombra dell’anima / The Shadow of the Soul+Details
Il gioco delle coppie / The Game of Pairs+Details
Composizione / Composition+Details
Il giocoliere / The Juggler+Details
Scherzi di primavera / Spring Jokes+Details
Insonnia / Insomnia+Details
Perché correre? / Why running?+Details
In palude / In the Swamp+Details
Il gregge è fuggito / The Flock has gone+Details
L’inconoscibile / The Unknowable+Details