ARTWORKS: Sculptures
1323 results found
I magnifici sette / The Magnificent Seven+Details
Le scale di Giacobbe / Jacob’s Ladder+Details
Le scale di Giacobbe / Jacob’s Ladder+Details
I magnifici sette / The Magnificent Seven+Details
Di seguito / In succession+Details
La neve / The Snow+Details
La lingerie de la reine / The Queen’s Lingerie+Details
Sentimento della rivoluzione / Feeling of Revolution+Details
Il carro del giorno e della notte / The Cart of the Day and the Night+Details
Ritmo / Rhythm+Details
Per aria / Into the air+Details
Concerto a Hyde Park / Concert at Hyde Park+Details
Il viaggio della luna / The Journey of the Moon+Details
Il viaggio della luna / The Journey of the Moon+Details
Venezia II / Venice II+Details
Toro / Bull+Details
L’indifferente / The Indifferent+Details
La tempesta / The Storm+Details
La tempesta / The Storm+Details
Basso continuo+Details
L’indifferente / The Indifferent+Details
Contrappunto secco / Dry Counterpoint+Details
Contrappunto secco / Dry Counterpoint+Details
Due curve / Two Curves+Details
Contrappunto X / Counterpoint X+Details
La piuma / The Feather+Details
Mosè salvato dalle acque / Moses Saved from the Waters+Details
I bisonti / The Bisons+Details
La piuma / The Feather+Details
La coscienza inquieta / The uneasy Conscience+Details
L’amplesso / The Loving Embrace+Details
Sei di cuori / Six of Hearts+Details
Aiuola / Flowerbed+Details
Virgulto / Offshoot+Details
Piccolo monumento al nulla / Little Monument to Nothing+Details
Salomone / Solomon+Details
Salomone / Solomon+Details
I vichinghi / The Vikings+Details
I vichinghi / The Vikings+Details
I vichinghi / The Vikings+Details
Contrappunto piano / Plane Countepoint+Details
Contrappunto piano / Plane Counterpoint+Details
Da un disegno del 1935 / From a 1935 Drawing+Details
Contrappunto domestico / Domestic Counterpoint+Details
Sogno di una notte di mezza estate / A Midsummer Night’s Dream+Details
Senza titolo / Untitled+Details